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Pakistan fresh cherries gain market access in China

Release Date:2021-01-25Views:55

According to China Economic Network, during Pakistan Prime Minister Shabaz's visit to China earlier this month, the General Administration of Customs of China and the Ministry of Food Security and Research of Pakistan signed the Protocol on Plant Quarantine Requirements for Exporting Fresh Cherries from Pakistan to China by exchanging signatures, marking that Pakistan's fresh cherries have gained access to the Chinese market.

The temperature difference between day and night in Pakistan is large, the sun is sufficient, and it is suitable for cherry growth. The local cherries are dark after ripening, which meets the preferences of Chinese consumers, and the ripening period is 10-15 days different from that of domestic cherries. According to the report issued by Pakistan Planning and Development and Special Project Department, Pakistani cherries are mainly produced in Baluchistan and Gilgit Baltistan, with a planting area of about 2500 hectares and a yield of about 6000 tons, which is about 2/3 of the world average output level.

The Ministry estimates that at present, 10% cherries in Pakistan are available for export, worth about 1.77 million US dollars, and there is much room for further export. However, the local fruit growers do not know how to put their products on the international market. So far, the cherries in Pakistan have not entered other overseas markets except in some areas of the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

Since 2019, the relevant departments of China and Pakistan have started the risk analysis of fresh cherries exported from Pakistan to China. Both sides reached an agreement on the list of quarantine pests and cold treatment conditions, and finally signed the export protocol. The Protocol on Quarantine Requirements for Fresh Cherry Plants Exported from Pakistan to China stipulates that export cherry orchards, packaging plants, refrigerated warehouses and related processing facilities must be reviewed and filed by the Ministry of Food Safety and Research of Pakistan, which will provide the list to the General Administration of Customs of China for approval and registration.

Dr. Gu Wenliang, Agricultural Commissioner of the Chinese Embassy in Pakistan, said that Cherry orchards in Pakistan should focus on environment-friendly production and strengthen biological control of quarantine pests in the planting process. He suggested that "all cherries exported to China must undergo cold treatment. The conditions of the cold treatment facilities and the sanitary conditions in the processing, packaging, storage and transportation of cherries need to be further improved".

According to Dr. Gu, fresh cherries are of high value. Cherries produced in Baluchistan can be exported from Pakistan to China after air cooling. With the further improvement of inspection and quarantine facilities of Pakistan Customs at Suster Pass, cherries produced in Gilgit Baltistan can also be exported to China in refrigerated containers at Khunjerab Pass.

According to the China Pakistan Free Trade Agreement, eligible Pakistani cherries can enjoy zero tariff when exported to China. Since November 2021, China and Pakistan have signed four protocols on the export of agricultural products to China, including onions, buffalo embryos, African horsetail grass and fresh cherries. At present, the two sides are conducting risk analysis on the export of dry pepper, potatoes, dairy products, cooked beef and other agricultural products to China.

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